About us

The Club

The “Club de Modélisme de Draveil” (CMD) was founded in 1974. In 2022, there were 13 adults and 7 teenager active members of the club. Draveil has a population of 30,000 and is located thirteen miles south of Paris and five miles south of Orly Airport. Although it is situated between, and not much more than a mile from, the famous tracks of the Paris-Lyon-Méditerranée (PLM) and the Paris- Orléans (P-O) track to Toulouse, Draveil is one of the rare cities around Paris not served by a railway station.


Three different layouts are at the disposal of members :

  • A modular HOm layout particularly designed for exhibitions.
  • A French (SNCF) HO layout with 1,500V DC catenary which could be set on the PLM or P-O.
  • A German (DB) N layout. Part of this is made up with five or more modules which can be transported for exhibitions.
  • A new HOm layout, intended to replace the existing layout in exhibitions, is under construction. It will consist of 8 modules of 120 × 90 and will use techniques mostly new and unknowned.

The structure of the HO and N layouts is very simple. Both constist of a double track mainline. The minimum radius  is 100* (except points). The centenary system allows the locos to run with the pantograph raised, but it has no electrical function.

  • The tracks of the main station on the HO layout are long enough to hold a train of nine coaches (a lengh of approximately 120″).
  • The tracks of the main station on the N layout are long enough to hold a train of eleven coaches (a lengh of approximately 79″).

To allow running by club members with varied interests, the design of these layouys allows the use of all kinds of rolling stock (exept some modern American cars, which are too large) in realistic conditions in good conditions of realism.


The club accepts, when possible, to attend to model exhibitions in France or in foreign countries. That part of the club’s activity is necessary for us. It dynamizes the members to win the challenge of concepting and building the layouts. You could find in the chapter “Exhibitions” the program of the completed and planned exhibitions, as well as the conditions required for our participation.

Friendly visits

You are welcome in our club-house if you wish to visit us. Just mail or phone before to be sure the clubhouse is open (report to page “Contacts” for phone number and mail address).
